Fiat Bladed HITAG Manual Pre-Coding of Fiat Transponders

Fiat Bladed HITAG Manual Pre-Coding of Fiat Transponders

  • There are many types of HITAG2 transponder manipulation devices available. 
  • Some are handheld and some are desktop devices that require some PC software.
  • Shown below are the steps required in a desktop device using the PC software.
  • Although the screenshots for handheld devices are not the same as below, the process is very similar and you should be able to employ the same method described.
  • You will be presented with something like the following information:


  • Place the transponder within the reading range of the device.
  • Press ‘Auto Detect’. You should see that the device selects PCF7946.
  • The PCF7936/PCF7946 have 8 ‘pages’ of information, zero through to seven. (referred to in the TrueCode Online information display as P0,P1,P2,P3,P4 RSK LOW, P5 RSK HIGH, P6 RCF, P7 SYNC).
  • Click ‘Read All Pages’. This will take a little time and then you will see Pages 0 through 7 are populated with information. 

Page 0

  • Each transponder has a unique, 4 bytes long identifier (IDE).
  • This is set at the factory and cannot be altered.
  • In the example shown the IDE of this particular transponder is 53 9A AA 2E.
  • You do not need to alter anything here.

Page 1

  • Page1 contains the first part of the precoding information which must be altered.
  • Currently, it is set to the factory default.
  • The factory default value is 4D 49 4B 52.
  • TrueCode Online shows us what the Page1 value needs to be altered to.
  • In this case, we need to alter Page1 to be 50 39 AE 07.


  • Enter the new P1 values (50 39 AE 07 in this case)
  • Press ‘Write1’ (W1). This will Write page1 only.


  • We must now change the values in the ‘Factory Config’ section to match our new Page1, or we will no longer be able to alter anything within the transponder.


Page 2

  • Page2 contains the next part of the precoding information which must be altered.
  • Currently, it is set to the factory default.
  • The factory default value is 00 00 4F 4E.
  • TrueCode Online shows us what the Page2 value needs to be altered to.
  • In this case, we need to alter Page2 to be 00 00 A9 24.


  • Enter the new P2 values (00 00 A9 24 in this case)
  • Press ‘Write2’ (W2). This will Write page2 only.



  • We must now change the values in the ‘Factory Config’ section to match our new Page2, or we will no longer be able to alter anything within the transponder.


Page 3 

  • Page3 contains the next part of the precoding information which must be altered.
  • Currently, it is set to the factory default.
  • The factory default value is 06 AA 48 54.
  • TrueCode Online shows us what the Page3 value needs to be altered to.
  • In this case, we need to alter Page2 to be 0E AA 48 54.



  • Enter the new P3 values (0E AA 48 54 in this case).
  • Press ‘Write3’ (W3). This will Write page3 only.


  • If we are precoding a plain PCF7936 then, as there is no remote capability with this transponder, we are now done precoding our transponder and can proceed to programming it into the vehicle by OBD using TrueCode Online.
  • If we are precoding a PCF7946 remote control key, then there are some further steps. 

Page 4 / RSK LOW 

  • Page4 contains the next part of the precoding information which must be altered. 
  • TrueCode Online shows us what the Page4/RSK LOW value needs to be altered to.
  • In this case, we need to alter Page4/RSK LOW  to be 12 2F 12 19.



  • Enter the new P4/RSK LOW values 12 2F 12 19 in this case).
  • Press ‘Write4’ (W4). This will Write page4/RSK LOW only.


  • Note that some devices may separate P4,P5,P6,P7 into a ‘Remote’ area, as in the above example.

Page 5 / RSK HIGH

  • Page5 contains the next part of the precoding information which must be altered.
  • TrueCode Online shows us what the Page5/RSK HIGH value needs to be altered to.
  • In this case, we need to alter Page5/RSK HIGH  to be 00 00 8B AD.



  • Enter the new P5/RSK HIGH values (00 00 8B AD in this case).
  • Press ‘Write5’ (W5). This will write page5/RSK HIGH only.


Page 6 / RCF

  • Page6 contains the final part of the precoding information which must be altered.
  • We must first determine something about the remote key that we are wanting to program.
  • There is a surface mount device (SMD) on the PCB.
  • The SMD can be with either 8 legs, with 10 legs or with 16.



  • The SMD referred to is shown above.
  • In this case, it has 10 pins. 
  • TrueCode Online shows us what the Page6/RCF value needs to be altered to for our vehicle.



  • Highlighted is what we must enter if our SMD has either 10 pins or 16 pins (37 1A F2 D5).
  • If the SMD has 8 pins, then that info is also shown (77 1A F2 D5).
  • Failure to set this correctly will result in the remote control not functioning.
  • Now that we have completed pre-coding our keys, we can program them to the vehicle by OBD.