The Fiat Bladed Key System

Unlocking the Secrets of Fiat Bladed Keys with HITAG2 Transponders

Fiat vehicles equipped with bladed keys and HITAG2 transponders require specific processes for key programming and security configuration data extraction. Key programming for these models hinges on a unique five-digit pincode, which can be directly read from the vehicle using TrueCode Online.

Key Pre-Coding

Before programming, transponders must be 'pre-coded' to match the specific vehicle. Pre-coding involves using transponder manipulation devices such as TMPro2, Miraclone, or Tango. The pre-coding data, stored in a .bin file, is essential for the key to function properly.

Programming Process

The programming process involves:
1. Reading the pincode.
2. Pre-coding the transponder.
3. Programming all keys at once to avoid them being marked as 'cancelled' by the BCM (Body Control Module).

TrueCode Online guides users through each step, ensuring correct key functionality, including remote features. It's crucial to select the correct remote type (Delphi or Marelli) and ensure the SMD device on the remote key PCB matches the vehicle requirements.

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